Concentration in Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) notes that prevention and harm reduction could be achieved through public awareness and education, which can be done by educating individuals on the health consequences of substance use and mental health. The Addiction Training for Health Professionals program introduces a new opportunity to understand mental illness and substance use disorders through the Concentration on Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health. This concentration is part of the Master’s in Public Health Program and the community of learners at Public Health U. While nearly half of those enrolled are physicians, the program is open to students in medicine, nursing, social work, psychology, public health, law, and dentistry.

Public health practitioners worldwide are now being trained to address substance use and mental health disorders through the implementation of specific programs and interventions from a multidisciplinary approach. With an interdisciplinary approach at the crux of this concentration, learners can view substance use and mental health at different levels, from specific clinical treatments to policy and public health campaigns, all in an effort to mitigate the burden of substance use disorders on communities. 


Students will not only be provided with a knowledge of substance use and mental health-related concepts but also evidence-based treatment and prevention strategies. The course work will contextualize mental health problems and substance use disorders by focusing on other issues, such as their emergence and the social and economic impact on the lives of individuals. The priority of this concentration is to help inform practice and policy in public health and clinical care settings. By completing the Concentration in Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health, students will be empowered to apply the knowledge and technical skills they have acquired to conduct mental health research and implement and evaluate interventions in multiple contexts.

The Addiction Training for Health Professionals program (ATHP)  is dedicated to spotlighting substance abuse and addiction to help ensure that this crisis is met with the urgency it deserves. As a result, Public Health U included a Concentration in Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health in the curriculum for its Master’s degree program. A number of medical doctors and other health professionals will now be better equipped to detect, treat, and refer patients in order to provide the highest level of care that is feasible in their respective environments. They will also be able to provide effective preventive counseling while raising overall awareness of substance use disorders and mental health in their communities. You can be part of the change today!

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